First off, the first day of summer is June 20th, BUT
Memorial day is may 28th! Why are these days important? May 28th is important for most people because that's when they will be donning bathing suits around their friends! 70 days til memorial day (which is a monday) and 67 days til the friday of, which is usually when the fun kicks off! that's a little over 2 months, therefore it's time to crunch, literally, and get in shape or at least loose a few pounds while you can!
on a different note...
What makes eating healthy easy is watching the pounds come off! It is definitely fuel for your cause. What happens when the weight loss comes to a halt or even a gain (even though you did everything right the day before)? We start to cheat or cheat more. Don't let your one little cheat turn into several. If you can handle it, then incorporate it into your lifestyle, otherwise find a paleo substitute and don't miss a beat!
I have to admit, nearly 2 weeks ago, I treated myself to some amazing local pizza and a shamrock shake at mcdonalds. Then I had the mentality "well, I cheated once, what's one more cheat gonna do?". I didn't cheat every day for 2 weeks straight, but lets say I slipped up more than I wanted. The result, some weight gain. I wasn't even on vacation or in a new surrounding, I just let my taste buds get the best of me in the moments I was strapped for time.
I have also come to realize that yes, dairy may not be so great for me, but if it comes down to have a piece of cheese or cheating and having ice cream (may not be a good comparison), i feel the cheese is the lesser of the 2 evils by far. Sometimes, it's impossible to eat perfectly, but before throwing the towel in because you can't find a 100 % paleo choice, go for the lesser evil and you will be glad you did.